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Featured Reads
For our customers: Product roadmap sneak peek
Restaurant Payroll 101
Learn how to tackle the hardest aspects of paying restaurant workers from taxes and tip reporting to labor law compliance.

Find and hire the right applicants—faster

Take the busy work out of hiring by automating the steps that consume most of your time and slow candidates from applying.


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Trusted by more than 20,000 companies
build a diverse sourcing strategy with workstream

Build a diverse sourcing strategy

Attract applicants who are interested in your position, not just any positions.

  • Source applicants in-store, online, and everywhere in between with text-to-apply posters, social media, and referrals

  • Post to top job boards without ever leaving Workstream

  • Removing language barriers with a multilingual applicant experience

  • Create branded careers pages or sync Workstream job openings to your existing page

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screen applicants automatically with workstream

Screen applicants automatically

Don't waste time on unqualified applicants. If an applicant meets your criteria, we'll automatically move them to the interview stage.

  • Use Smart Screening to identify candidates that meet your role's requirements

  • Collect 30-second video intros from candidates

  • Initiate background checks and get results directly in Workstream

Learn more  ›

schedule interviews with workstream

Instantly schedule interviews

Save days on tedious back and forth by automating interview scheduling.

  • Give candidates the ability to self-schedule and reschedule interviews

  • Send automated interview reminders (for you and your candidates) to reduce no-shows

  • Integrate your Google or Outlook calendar so your interview availability is always up-to-date

  • Collect and share interview feedback with your hiring team

Learn more  ›

"We're spending less time with more applicants, and getting better results."

Candice Winterringer

19 location Sonic franchise owner


Become an HR expert


How to humanize recruiting automation


Checking the box on hiring and retention


How to hire and retain Gen Z workers

Be smart with your hourly workforce

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